Are You Afraid To Win or Do You Just Love Losing?

"What is this nonsense, 'Business is the Battlefield'"?
This website is about Business. And Commerce. And Business as the ultimate Battlefield of Life, the Engine of Life, and Life as the ultimate Video Game. And ultimately about winning. That is, guiding you win, and winning.
If you want a better life, and ultimately a better community, society, and civilization, you need to focus on business. Not voting, not charities, not waking people up, not persuading people - Just focus on business. And commerce.
Test it. Nail it. Scale it.
Then Terraform Cultures, Languages, Mores, Psyches.
Simply stated, everything is downstream of business, and commerce.
From the Greeks, Romans, Normans, Arabs, and Americans to dozen and dozens of cultures in between with clear signs of this from Asia with Sino-influences and impacts (Japan, Korea, Vietnam, etc.) to Indo-influences (Cambodia, Laos, and so forth).
"But I am not in Business. I don't own a business."
If you consume, get paid, make purchasing decisions, invest, write reviews or comment on products and services, you are on the Battlefield of Business.
Within the Battlefield of Business, there are many Roles and Ranks. All are important. Here is an overview of the some of the most common.
So what will you cover?
Specifically, we cover the application of psychology and military strategies, and tactics related to business - hiring, firing, scaling. From capital accumulation to company formation. Battling with, wrecking, razing or sidestepping the competition.
And all of the small, seemingly minor interactions, contractual clauses and concepts that are the most often lynch pin of success, or the cause of failure that most people have no idea about. And the few that do either cannot articulate them, will not articulate them (for fear of reprisals or appearing "Machiavellian") or they will "greedily" hoard them for themselves.
We also address, characterize, expand and extend Nassim Nicholas Taleb's concept and word coinage / neology of Antifragile, and exactly how to use it to construct Antifragile systems as well as how to cripple and destroy them.
Now what if, in fact, most of the accepted "truths", and official narratives about why certain startups, new ventures or new products have succeeded or failed are completely wrong?
Worse, what if these accepted truths, and official narratives are not just simply wrong but dangerously destructive and intentionally disseminated? And worst of all, what if these destructive "truths" have become so accepted and so ingrained that they are now enshrined as a series of powerful Myths and Memes?
This website is about Business. And Commerce. And Business as the ultimate Battlefield of Life, the Engine of Life, and Life as the ultimate Video Game. And ultimately about winning. That is, guiding you win, and winning.
If you want a better life, and ultimately a better community, society, and civilization, you need to focus on business. Not voting, not charities, not waking people up, not persuading people - Just focus on business. And commerce.
Test it. Nail it. Scale it.
Then Terraform Cultures, Languages, Mores, Psyches.
Simply stated, everything is downstream of business, and commerce.
- Armies follow Business.
- Languages follow Armies.
- Culture follow Languages.
- Media follows Money.
- Morality follows Media.
From the Greeks, Romans, Normans, Arabs, and Americans to dozen and dozens of cultures in between with clear signs of this from Asia with Sino-influences and impacts (Japan, Korea, Vietnam, etc.) to Indo-influences (Cambodia, Laos, and so forth).
"But I am not in Business. I don't own a business."
If you consume, get paid, make purchasing decisions, invest, write reviews or comment on products and services, you are on the Battlefield of Business.
Within the Battlefield of Business, there are many Roles and Ranks. All are important. Here is an overview of the some of the most common.
So what will you cover?
Specifically, we cover the application of psychology and military strategies, and tactics related to business - hiring, firing, scaling. From capital accumulation to company formation. Battling with, wrecking, razing or sidestepping the competition.
And all of the small, seemingly minor interactions, contractual clauses and concepts that are the most often lynch pin of success, or the cause of failure that most people have no idea about. And the few that do either cannot articulate them, will not articulate them (for fear of reprisals or appearing "Machiavellian") or they will "greedily" hoard them for themselves.
We also address, characterize, expand and extend Nassim Nicholas Taleb's concept and word coinage / neology of Antifragile, and exactly how to use it to construct Antifragile systems as well as how to cripple and destroy them.
Now what if, in fact, most of the accepted "truths", and official narratives about why certain startups, new ventures or new products have succeeded or failed are completely wrong?
Worse, what if these accepted truths, and official narratives are not just simply wrong but dangerously destructive and intentionally disseminated? And worst of all, what if these destructive "truths" have become so accepted and so ingrained that they are now enshrined as a series of powerful Myths and Memes?
Have you ever considered the following?

- What made Steve Jobs successful?
- What did he see and do that the captains at the helm of Nokia and Blackberry/RIM failed or refused to see?
- Why was this the case?
- Why is Low Tech or No Tech sometimes the best way to go?
- How can incumbents beat and crush fast-moving Silicon Valley startups at their own game?
- Why is First Mover Advantage really a nothing in most cases, and often a curse in others?
- Why are there no viable competitors to Facebook?
- How was Steve Jobs able to enjoy massive success while incumbents like Sony stumbled and faltered?
- Who started social media? But who got funded and why?
- Is "necessity" really the mother of all invention?
- And if so, why?
- Are innovation and creativity really the keys to success?
- Does Apple under Steve Jobs prove this?
- And if so, what lessons do the failure of Xerox PARC's storied inventions tell us?
- Were Apple products under Steve Jobs truly "revolutionary" or can they be shown to be simply derivative or "step forward" products (e.g, iPod = solid-state Sony Walkman)?
- How could an industry pioneer like Yahoo have its lunch eaten by Google?
- How could Google develop failed product after failed product (Google Video, Google Wave, Orkut among others) and only seem to have success with acquired products (Youtube, Android, Double Click, Google Earth among others)?
- How was Google able to dominate search and in what ways could Yahoo have easily thwarted or even crushed Google?
- What made Google so innovative and successful? It's not what you think.
- How did Apple run circles around Nokia, and Blackberry/RIM?
- Why did HP take a nose dive?
- Why are Oracle and Larry Ellison immune to cancel culture?
- How can you bootstrap a company with nothing?
- How to work with business lawyers? And what are their roles?
- How to sell big deals as nobody to famous companies?
- And dozens and dozen more.